Monday, May 17, 2010


It was raining heavily,when i woke up that morning to go to school.Because,my head was aching so hard,and i couldn't even think of going to school that day!I could have stayed at home but i had this stupid math exam on that particular day! so no matter what i had to go to school that day!
So there i was,in school with my head paining so hard,writing my math paper and trying to focus on the lame algebra! not that i hate math,in fact i love math!I always get an A+ for math!It was just that my headache seemed to make me hate everything i loved! And like never before i couldn't solve the sums properly! I never thought a small instant headache would make you almost hate math!!
And as minutes passed,i just raised my head to what time it was and it was 10 o'clock,which was exactly the time the papers should be collected,and i saw at the edge of the room,the invigilator collecting the papers!And I've not even solved the last ten sums left!!.....Even though i asked him tons of times to give me just 5 minutes,he did not....not even a second! He just grabbed the paper from my hand!!
Then at 10:30am we had our WESTERN MUSIC period....but i almost forgot that! I was busy convincing Mr.RJ to give me a good grade for Math.....But he was not convinced.Then i went to our classroom feeling like a loser.Then suddenly, I heard someone calling my name,and when i turned back to see who it was,I found Mrs.Manjula,our WESTERN MUSIC teacher staring at me with an angry face. And then she blamed for not coming to the WESTERN MUSIC period...for more than 30 minutes!!!!
At about 11:00am when I was rushing to the Laboratory for the chemistry period,a teacher asked me to come to her and asked me to get a coffee from the cafeteria! I was already 10 minutes late for the period.But I had to do it,because,she was our sectional head!! But i knew for sure that our chemistry teacher is gonna eat me up! 'cause, he doesn't care about any of the excuses that children tell him when they are late for the period! So I had to stay out of the class for whole two periods![we had double periods that day] 2 hours standing in the sun!!! just imagine!! it was really embarrassing!!
Then about at 1:15pm I went to the classroom to take my lunch,and then i realized that I've left my lunchbox at home!Some friends of mine offered me to eat with them,but,I refused.I didn't feel up up to it.I went to the corner of our classroom and thought about how bad this day has been for me! Just then at 1:30pm the bell went.Which meant the school was over.Then when i went to my school van,it was not there! I got goosebumps at that moment!!And when I looked at my watch,it was 2:00pm! Usually our school van leaves at 1:45pm! I didn't know what I was supposed to do! I went back to school and made a call to my dad,but nobody answered! SO I WALKED HOME!!! I've never ever done that in my life!!
When i got home,I realized that i had left my pencil case in in school,which had the house keys inside it,since both of my parents go to work,nobody was home! So I had to stay outside of my house for more than 4 hours,until mom got home!!
At about 8:30pm,I went to bed,but couldn't sleep,I still had that severe headache that i had from the morning!
I was thinking about what had happened today,losing track of time always,messing up at the Math exam,getting blamed by the Western Music teacher,standing out for 2 hours in the chemistry period,leaving the lunchbox at home,missing the school van,walking 10 kilometers! and staying outside of my house for almost 5 hours!!.......I just couldn't believe that all these things had happened to me!May be it was about the day,it was certainly not my day! I totally screwed up that day! In fact,it was the nightmare of my life!!!!!

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