Tuesday, June 22, 2010

what i think about boys

I usually don't have positive perceptions about boys...I don't want to be judgmental because all the guys are not the same..They are guys who are so sweet,kind,understanding and honest.But majority are so phony,annoying,goofy and insane. And they can never be partial!! And they've got a stinking attitude! And most of them are players...i still can remember the way my best friend cried when she got dumped...
But there's a positive side of guys as well. I think sometimes they are really helpful,trustworthy,understanding and reliable.And you can tell anything to guys even your deepest secrets.They would not tell anyone.You can count on them no matter what.....In that way i guess boys are much better than girls.At least boys are not manipulative back stabbers like girls...


  1. Boys are very simple-minded creatures. They have very simple needs and wants. Even the 'players', as you call them are very simple. The problem with boys is that they don't really take things seriously until it's too late. That attitude is a very positive attitude to have, but it can bring on negative consequences at times. For example, a wife tells her husband that their marriage is not working out and he doesn't take it seriously the first time she says it. After a few years, she divorces him for someone else and the husband is left wondering what the heck happened. Then the ex-wife gets blamed for not 'talking' to her husband when she'd already told him that things weren't working out.

    However not all boys are like that. Some of them grow up to be decent, responsible men and never ever take their wives or girlfriends for granted. It is up to you to be very selective when you choose your future boyfriend and you need to go into this relationship with Both Eyes Open. That's my advice. Don't accept the first boy who tells you you're the most beautiful thing on earth. You need to look past that and understand the boy's true feelings for you.

    Thanks for blogging and keep up the great work!


  2. and you're absolutely right karina!! i can't agree with u more...:D

  3. Yes, it is so true! I see lots of my friends just 'settling' for a guy because they're worried that they won't be able to meet the right one and they'd be lonely forever. Settling for a guy just because he likes you doesn't mean that you'll be in a happier place in your life. It just means that you'll always be wondering whether he's the 'ONE' for you and maybe regretting making your decision. By the time you actually summon the courage to leave and find the right ONE, it would be too late.
    So don't settle. Always trust what your heart tells you.

